The 10 commandments of reputation branding

Reputation branding isn’t rocket-science; it’s largely common-sense.

But for some reason common-sense isn’t common! Only rarely do we take the time to step back and apply a reputation lens to our lives and businesses and think through the consequences of our words and actions in terms of reputation branding.

Whenever I'm asked ‘what do I need to do to make sure I can create and maintain a positive reputation?' there's no stock response. The answer varies as it depends on who the person or organisation may be trying to influence, as well as the type of reputation they're trying to nurture.

However there are certainly some steps we can take to ensure we stack the odds in our favour in the reputational stakes and help others to think and speak well of us. I call them the 10 commandments of reputation branding:

1.Make it easy for others to speak well of you 2.Keep abreast of changing values and expectations 3.Seek win-win outcomes from every interaction 4.Never assume others think or feel the same way you do 5.Do not gossip or be disparaging about your competitors 6.When in doubt, ask yourself: ‘Is this likely to damage or enhance my reputation?' 7.Accept responsibility and accountability for your actions 8.Avoid over-promising and under-delivering 9.Never breach the bond of trust you build with clients and others 10.Always act with integrity The emphasis we place on each of these will vary depending on the exact circumstances we find ourselves in, but if we aim to apply each of them consistently over time we will increase the likelihood of attracting people and opportunities to us that are largely aligned with the way we live our lives and run our businesses. They will also enhance the likelihood of others being willing to put their reputation on the line to refer and recommend us.

There are many other things we can do to help enhance our reputation but the 10 commandments of reputation branding can certainly influence how we are perceived and provide a solid first step. In essence: Act with integrity. Build trust. Enhance your reputation. It's common-sense.

An award-winning speaker, columnist and author, Hannah Samuel speaks, writes and mentors worldwide on issues around reputation, trust and integrity; and is the founder of online reputation service directory TRUSTcite. Find her online at

About Hannah Samuel Hannah Samuel is a speaker, author and Reputation Champion! Her insights into reputation, trust and integrity are based on 20+ years in business development

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