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Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment
Dealing with the media in a crisis
How a company deals with the media in a crisis or adverse event can make or break its future success. That’s because public opinion is far more interested in how a company responds to the situation than the crisis itself. The problem is that most businesses are…
Are you inadvertantly damaging your reputation?
If you’ve worked hard to create a solid reputation, the chances are you’ll probably try to protect it and consciously avoid doing anything that you think may damage it. But damaging a reputation is incredibly easy, and often we risk our reputation without even…
It will never happen to me OR how long will your business survive if your computer goes down?
All businesses using computers rely on them to a greater or lesser extent. Would you and your staff be able to deal with customers, sales, process orders etc without them? If not how long could you cope with such an interruption? * How well and for how long can…
Clarity, hope and risk. Growing a successful business
In the big picture there are really only three things we need to grow a Mature Business. Clarity Successful business owners know where they are going and when they intend to be there. They have a vision for the future that drives everything they do. Do you know…
Will you risk what I risk?
Will you grab the flag. Lead the charge Recently a client and good friend said, “I would be willing to bet a smart guy like you with a lot of success in your past wasn’t in danger of losing your house when you started your business, even if it had failed.” She’s…
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